Song Catalog
ORIGINAL SONGS (Text and Music: Gesine Heinrich)
Original Songs in German
Gaia Liederzyklus für Stimme und Klavier (2024)
Altes Lied
Auf offenem Meer
Auf Wiedersehen
Begreifst du nicht
Bleibst du heut Nacht bei mir
Darf ich bitten
Diese ungesagten Worte
Diesmal fliegen
Die Sonne ist rot
Du bist mein Aas
Du hast nie gesagt
Du küsst mich nie vor andern Leuten
Ecce homo
Die Eiligen
Erzähl mir von dir
Es schmeckt mir mein Essen
Fall mir nicht in den Rücken
Geschichte aus einer Nacht
Gib mir nur das
Heimliche Gedanken
Heut ist mein Tag
Hunde in New York
Ich geh mit der Sonne spazieren
Ich habe die Wolken
Ich hab ein Nachtgespenst zu Haus
Ich male Herzen
Ich weiß, die Antwort
Das kleine Gedicht
Der kleine Prinz und du und ich (Melodram)
Klau nicht mein Herz
Komm, wir walzern
Mach mal bitte das Licht an
Meine Worte der Liebe
Nichts läuft mir weg
Rien ne va plus
Sayat Nova
Schau mich an, ich bade
Seele in Not
Ein Seemann
Die Sonne ist rot
Sonntag in Freiburg
1000 Meter-Bahn
Viel liegt mir nicht daran
Vogel, du hast’s gut
Warum erzähl ich dir das
Weisst du noch damals
Wer hofft, lebt länger
Wie eine Rose
Woher weisst du
Der Wein ist aus
Wolle und Seide
Die zwei Brillen
Original Songs in English
A handout
All I want is truth
Am I asking too much
And so I chose you
Any little song can harm you
Apple Swing
Before the clowns are getting sad
Brecht, I love you
Come let’s waltz
Come, make this love song complete
Confessions of a singer: Addicted
Cupid, I’m going to sue you
Don’t say a word
Don’t steal my heart
Do you remember
Gimme more from that blues
Give me your ship
How do I get from where I am
I adore you
I cannot come to your wedding
I don’t get myself
If you want me
If that’s what you like
I hardly know you
I have a new love
I have you here inside
I know the answer
I‘m in love with the smile of Mr. A
I’m not Caroline
I’m shy
I thought I had to lower my standards
I wander through the night
I was a boxer
I wish I hadn´t cried so much
Keep it that way
Let me write your dreams
Love, don´t you know
Medical error
My words of love
Never bury your dreams
Not quite enough in love
No word from you
Oh I’m so very beautiful
One, two
Read my lips
Right now
Sigh in my ear
Since I know why
Sorry, I cut your safety net
So wherever
This is the first thing
Till I find you
To a bird
We are two
Wear your red hat
Well, honey
What a curious feeling
What can I do
What Einstein said
What gold did I long for
What is tonight
What matters most
What means dead
When all of a sudden death calls
When I was in your arms
Where are you my dear tonight
Why are all these noble men around me
Why can’t I see
You better seize this day for living
You call me crazy
You’d be perfect for me
You know it so well
You’ll be the last
You want to own me
Original Songs in French
A quoi ça sert l’amour
À tout à l’heure
À un oiseau - Dialogue entre un oiseau et un homme
Bon appétit
Ce vieux passager
Ces mots non dits
C’est toi que je portais
Fais que cette chanson sois complète
Il y a lieu de croire
J’ai appris par coeur
Je ne sais pas te dire ‘Adieu’
Je peins des coeurs
Le grand ménage
Mes mots d’amour
Mon coeur
Te souviens-tu
Toutes les heures
Tu fais partie
Tu le sais si bien
Les gens pressés
Il y a lieu de croire
Mon coeur
Mon coeur chantera
Original Songs in Italian
Accendi la luce
A un uccello
Come una rosa
Dipingo cuori
Dove sono
Ecce homo
Ho le nuvole
Il pappagallo
Non lo sapete l’amore
Pensieri nascosti
Perché ti racconto questo
Piena luna
Signorina vai
Storia di una notte
Original Songs in Spanish
Por qué no duermes
Original Songs in Hungarian
Szerelmem kék
MUSICAL SETTINGS (Music: Gesine Heinrich)
Friedrich Nietzsche
3 stimmliche Erleichterungen für Solostimme (Der Fall Wagner) (2023)
Ich mache mir eine kleine Erleichterung
Ich bin ferne davon, harmlos zuzuschauen
Ich gestatte mir wieder eine Erheiterung
2 Lieder (2023)
Nur Narr! Nur Dichter!
Sanctus Januarius
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Monolog des Faust: Habe nun, ach, Philosophie (2023)
Die Bibel, Altes Testament (Martin Luther)
4 Psalm-Lieder (2024)
Herr, wie lange willst du mich so ganz vergessen?
Herr, wer darf weilen in deinem Zelt?
Eile, Gott, mich zu erretten
Der Herr ist König und herrlich geschmückt
Shijing - Buch der Lieder (altchinesisch)
Lenke keinen großen Wagen
Dorothy Parker
Pour prendre congé
Rose Ausländer
While I am alive – 13 Poems
A new now of the old way
“The chips are down”
It may have been a dream
Your portrait
My mind walks miles and miles
My room
Pilate still asks
Where shall we start
While I am alive
William Shakespeare
Hamlet’ Monologue: Now I am alone. O what a rogue and peasant slave am I! (2023)
154 Sonnets (2018-2024)
John Donne
19 Holy Sonnets (2023)
1 Thou hast made me, and shall thy work decay
2 As due by many titles I resign
3 O might those sighs and tears return again
4 Oh my black soul! Now thou art summon‘d
5 I am a little world made cunningl
6 This is my play‘s last scene
7 At the round earth‘s imagined corners
8 If faithful souls be alike glorified
9 If poisonous minerals, and if that tree
10 Death be not proud
11 Spit in my face ye Jews, and pierce my side
12 Why are we by all creatures waited on
13 What if this present were the world‘s last night
14 Batter my heart, three-personed God
15 Wilt thou love, God, as he thee
16 Father, part of his double interest
17 Since she whom I loved hath paid her last debt
18 Show me, dear Christ, thy spouse, so bright and clear
19 Oh, to vex me, contraries meet in one
Lewis Carroll
The Poems from “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking-Glass” (2023/2024)
1 Alice‘s adventures in Wonderland (10 Songs)
Intro: All in the golden afternoon
Alice: Who in the world am I
Alice: How does the little crocodile
Alice: You are old, Father William
The Mock Turtle: The Lobster-Quadrille - Will you walk a little faster
Alice: Tis the Voice of the Lobster
The Mock Turtle: Beautiful soup, so rich and green
The White Rabbit: The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts
The White Rabbit: They told me you had been to her
Christmas greetings (from a fairy to a child): Lady dear, if Fairies may
2 Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there (13 Songs)
Intro: Child of the pure unclouded brow
Alice/Jabberwocky: ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Alice: Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Tweedledee: The Walrus and the Carpenter
Alice: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty: In winter when the fields are white
Alice: The Lion and the Unicorn were fighting for the crown
The Knight: I'll tell thee evrything I can
The Red Queen: Hush-a-by lady, in Alice‘s lap
To the looking-glass world it was Alice that said
The White Queen: First the fish must be caught
A boat, beneath a sunny sky
The Wasp: When I was young
Holy Bible (King James Version)
11 Psalm Songs (2024)
Blessed is the man that walketh not - Psalm 1
In the Lord put I my trust - Psalm 11
Help, Lord - Psalm 12
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord - Psalm 13
The fool hath said in his heart - Psalm 14
God is our refuge and strength - Psalm 46
Save me, o God - Psalm 69
Out of the depths have I cried - Psalm 130
Behold, bless ye the Lord - Psalm 134
Praise ye the Lord, praise - Psalm 148
Praise ye the Lord, sing - Psalm 149
Charles Baudelaire
4 Chansons (2022)
Je te donne ce vers
La beauté
La géante
Tout entière
Louise Labé
Je vis, je meurs - Sonnet 8 (2023)
Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux
Rien que pour auhourd’hui (2024)
Stéphane Mallarmé
Brise marine (2022)
Pierre de Ronsard
15 Sonnets pour Hélène (2023)
Dedans les flots d‘Amour je n‘ay point de support (I,6- 33)
L‘autre jour que j‘estois sur le haut d‘un degré (I,9 - 34)
Tant de fois s‘appointer, tant de fois se fascher (I,19 - 35)
Puis qu‘elle est tout hyver, toute la mesme glace (I,22 - 36)
J‘attachay des bouquets de cent mille couleurs (I,60 – 39)
Soit qu‘un sage amoureux ou soit qu‘un sot me lise (II,1 – 40)
Ny la douce pitié, ny le pleur lamentable (II, 9 - 41)
Au milieu de la guerre, en un siecle sans foy (II,26 - 42)
J‘avois esté saigné, ma Dame me vint voir (II,32 - 43)
Laisse de Pharaon la terre Egyptienne (II,41 - 44)
Ces longues nuicts d‘hyver, où la Lune ocieuse (II,42 -45)
Quand vous serez bien vieille, au soir à la chandelle (II,43 - 46)
Le soir qu‘Amour vous fist en la salle descendre (II,49 - 47)
Je ne serois marry si tu contois ma peine (II,65 - 49)
Je m‘enfuy du combat, mon armee est desfaite (II,75 - 51)
Umberto Saba
Francesco d’ Assisi
Cantico di Frate Sole - Canticle of the sun - Sonnengesang (2021)
Dante Alighieri
DANTEs INFERNO – Musicaloper in zwei Akten (2020/2021)
Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita (I,1-63)
Dante incontra Virgilio: Quando vidi costui (I,64-136)
Beatrice: O anima cortese mantoana (II,58-74)
La Porta: Lasciate ogne speranza (III,1-9)
Francesca: Amor ch’al cor gentil (V,100-107)
Francesca: Nessun maggior dolore (V,121-123)
Cerbero, fiera crudele e diversa (VI, 13-33)
Gli avari e i prodhigi - Qui vidi gente (VII,25-66)
Filippo Argenti - Quei fu al mondo persona orgogliosa (VIII,46-63)
Gerione - I’m’assettai in su quelle spalacce (XVII,91-136)
La fiera compagnia - Io vidi già cavalier mouver campo (XXII,1-15)
La fiera compagnia - Pur a la pegola era la mia intesa (XXII,16-75)
La gente dipinta - Là giù trovammo (XXIII,58-72)
La settima bolgia - Noi discendemmo il ponte della testa (XXIV,79-120)
Vanni Fucci - Lo duca il dommandò poi chi ello era (XXIV,121-151; XXV,1-18 )
Ulisse - O frati (XXVI,112-120)
Onde parlare è duro (XXXII, 1-15)
Ugolino - La bocca sollevò dal fiero pasto (XXXIII,1-90)
Lucifero nel ghiaccio di Cocito - Vexilla regis (XXXIV,1-84)
Francesco Petrarca
O dolci sguardi - 17 Sonetti del Canzoniere (2018/2022)
1: Voi ch‘ ascoltate in rime sparse il suono
3: Era il giorno ch' al sol si scoloraro
35: Solo et pensoso i più deserti campi
48: Se mai foco per foco non si spense
74: Io son già stanco di pensar sì come
92: Piangete, Donne, e con voi pianga Amore
107: Non veggio ove scampar mi possa omai
131: Io canterei d'Amor sì novamente
132: S' amor non è, che dunque è quel ch' io sento
134: Pace non trovo et non ò da far guerra
164: Or che 'l ciel et la terra e 'l vento tace
189: Passa la nave mia colma d'oblio
190: Una candida cerva sopra l'erba
253: O dolci sguardi, o parolette accorte
304: Mentre che 'l cor dagli amorosi vermi
310: Zefiro torna e 'l bel tempo rimena
363: Morte à spento quel sol ch' abagliar suolmi
Michelangelo Buonarotti
Dal ciel discese - 13 Sonetti delle Rime (2024)
Ben posson gli occhi mie presso e lontano 166
Dal ciel discese, e col mortal suo, poi 248
Dimmi di grazia, amor, se gli occhi i mei 42
I’ mi credetti, il primo giorno ch’io 80
I’ mi son caro assai più ch’i’ non soglio 90
La vita del mie amor non è ’l cor mio 34
Non posso altra figura immaginarmi 82
Non men gran grazia, donna, che gran doglia 150
Quante dirne si de’ non si può dire 250
Se l’immortal desio, c’alza e corregge 58
Spirto ben nato, in cui si specchia e vede 41
Veggio co’ be’ vostr’occhi un dolce lume 89
Vorrei voler, Signor, quel ch’io non voglio 87
La Biblia (Reina Valera)
Cantar de los Cantares /Song of Songs/Hohelied der Liebe: Busqélo (2010)
Frederico Garcia Llorca
Memento (2017)
Mordechai Gebirtig
Es falt balt tsu di nakht (2004)
Dos letste vort (2004)
Isaac Loeb Peretz
Mame un kind (2004)
A. Almi
Bay nakht - Lass mich gehen mit stillem Schritt
OTHER COMPOSERS (Text: Gesine Heinrich)
Songs in German
Eine himmlische Idee (Music: Cornelis Witthoefft, 2003)
Die Eiligen (Music: Henry Krtschil, 2004)
Rien ne va plus (Music: Henry Krtschil, 2004)
Zwei Philosophen (Music: Henry Krtschil, 2004)
Songs in French
J‘ai perdu mon coeur (Music: Trad. - Dark Eyes, Otschi tschornie)