Gesine Heinrich sings Dante’s Inferno 2 (The Divine Comedy)

Released March 2022

  1. La fiera compagnia - Io vidi già cavalier mouver campo (XXII,1-15)

  2. La fiera compagnia - Pur a la pegola era la mia intesa (XXII,16-75)

  3. La gente dipinta - Là giù trovammo (XXIII,58-72)

  4. La settima bolgia - Noi discendemmo il ponte della testa (XXIV,79-120)

  5. Vanni Fucci - Lo duca il dommandò poi chi ello era (XXIV,121-151; XXV,1-18 )

  6. Ulisse - O frati (XXVI,112-120)

  7. Onde parlare è duro (XXXII, 1-15)

  8. Ugolino - La bocca sollevò dal fiero pasto (XXXIII,1-90)

  9. Lucifero nel ghiaccio di Cocito - Vexilla regis (XXXIV,1-84)

Singer and composer Gesine Heinrich continues her journey through Dante Alighieri’s Inferno-Hell guided by Dante and Virgilio. In Farce-Canto 22 they find themselves in a creepy horror cabinet of tortures and torturers and watch monstrous serpents dancing a cruel dance. Ulisse appears giving the famous speech of his last voyage. Dante tells us about the limits of what his rimes can say facing the Ninth Circle of Hell. Count Ugolino tells his heartbreaking story about his imprisonment with his sons and grandsons in the tower of hunger. Finally, our explorers reach the center of the earth where three faced Lucifero stands frozen from the chest downward. A winding path brings Virgilio, Dante and Gesine eventually back to the earth‘s surface.